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  Discover South Kensington  
The home of science, arts and inspiration

Pop-up nature hubs creating a buzz in South Kensington

South Kensington is coming alive with exciting new installations and a green trail for visitors.  Today we’re launching pop-up nature hubs and installations created by architects, artists and garden designers that will leave you buzzing with new ideas and inspiring visions for a greener future.

Download the South Ken Green Trail map to follow the trail through wildflower meadows, gardens and art installations in the heart of London’s cultural district. Get up close with bees and wild pollinators and explore architecture inspired by insects, plants with healing properties and imaginative ideas for up-cycling materials.

  What's on  
Home Away from Hive by Mizzi Studios – with The Science Museum
Science Museum
On until mid-Oct Daily
Outside the Science Museum, insects and people are connected with, a nest-like structure which is layered with medicinal plants creating a link with Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries at the Museum and providing a hive of discovery, education and biodiversity.
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Image credit: Luke O'Donovan  
Algae Meadow by Seyi Adelekun and Wayward – with the V&A
V&A South Kensington
Until mid- Oct Daily
Opposite the V&A, meander through a wildflower vertical meadow which connects the architecture of Exhibition Road to the depths of the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park through a hydroponic algae canopy. The Algae Meadow explores how we care for and enhance biodiversity in an urban setting through careful use of local resources, material and plant ecologies.
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Windflower by Urban Radicals – with the Goethe-Institut
On until mid-Oct Daily
Discover a beautiful wind-turbine blade upcycled into an ensemple of wildflower planters - a biodiversity hub for bees and insects. Take a seat and admire the scale of wind-turbines brought to an unexpected city environment
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Foodbank for Pollinators by Natalie Taylor in Princes Gardens
On until mid-Oct Daily
Just behind Exhibition Road in Prince's Gardens, artist Natalie Taylor’s bed of wildflowers spells out a call for more urban meadows and creates the perfect hub for buzzing insects. Commissioned by Goethe-Institut.
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Kensington Palace Sunken Garden
Kensington Palace
Wed - Sun 10am - 6pm
Walk in the footsteps of royalty in the beautiful gardens of Kensington Palace. The historic Sunken Garden is resplendent with white and pastel flowers to provide a picturesque setting for a new statue of Diana, Princess of Wales, unveiled to commemorate her 60th birthday.
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Webs of Life by Tomás Saraceno
On until 17th Oct Daily
These striking Augmented Reality (AR) creatures encourage you to reconsider your relationship with spiders – moving you from fear to protection. Two giant AR spiders lurk outside the Gallery and if you share a photo of a real spider or web, you will be able to interact with a third!
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Natural History Museum Wildlife Garden
Natural History Museum
Daily 11-5pm
Escape the city bustle with a wander through a tranquil haven for plants, pondlife and insects. Home to thousands of British plants and animals, more than 3,300 species have been identified in the garden since it opened in 1995. Advanced booking to the Museum is recommended.
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Download the South Ken Green Trail Map
Discover South Kensington
Don't miss South Kensington's green trail before it finishes on 20 October.. Experience one last glimpse of the pop-up nature hubs and installations created by architects, artists and garden designers that will leave you buzzing with new ideas and inspiring visions for a greener future.
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Events and exhibitions inspiring action on climate change

As the UK prepares to host COP26, the venues here have a programme of thought-provoking and inspiring events and exhibitions exploring the road to a greener future.
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Do try this at home

As part of our South Ken Green Trail, we've pulled together some fun activities for all the family. Using your imagination and everyday objects around your home, explore new ways to recycle and save our planet. Find out how to create spaces for nature on your windowsill, balcony or garden.
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Discover South Kensington
Each fortnight, our newsletter is packed with things to do whether online or here in South Ken - there are so many places to explore, hidden gems to discover, experiences to enjoy, food to feast on and so much more.
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Discover South Kensington is an initiative of the Exhibition Road Cultural Group, a partnership of the cultural and educational organisations in and around Exhibition Road, South Kensington.

Our partners include:
The Design Museum
Imperial College London
Institut franҫais
The Ismaili Centre
Kensington Palace
Natural History Museum
Royal Albert Hall
South Kensington Estates
Royal College of Art
Cromwell Place
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Royal College of Music
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
The Royal Parks
Serpentine Galleries
The Science Museum
V&A South Kensington
The Royal Society of Sculptors
Japan House
Westminster City Council
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